Over the years, I've been asking folks to put a pin on a map on where they're from. Well, that map is getting plenty used. I think we're going to have to get another map it's been so well loved and used. We're proud of how much of the world we've fed over the years. If you find yourself in Phuket, stop by and grab a taco and a pin and make your mark.
Ron Dorovi
Sorry I missed you. My big summer road trip is flying into Sacto on Monday to deal with brother who lived in Stockton issues. Will be gone a little over a week. Hey in the last year someone hacked your email and wanted me by them iTunes for a friend that had cancer. Email much too polite to be yours! Still love living in Colorado. Still want to go to an SC football some year with you if football ever comes back. Stay in touch my friend! Dawn